Water Metering

Low cost, remote readable water meters

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Cloud-Based Water Data
Water is a precious resource, so it should not go un-monitored. Water that is measured, recorded, and understood, is less likely to be wasted. We've designed a system that will allow you to monitor water usage remotely from anywhere. Our free EKM Push data service offers the ability to monitor water consumption over time, to submeter and bill for water used. Get once per minute data to monitor in real time plus a summarized data set for unlimited long term trend reporting and historical analysis.
Meter and bill for the water consumed by your tenants. We offer basic or remote readable systems.
Monitor your consumption over time to avoid usage penalties and save water.
Detect Leaks
High granularity data offers the ability to detect slow leaks, by identifying regular usage patterns that never stop incrementing, or large leaks, which are identifiable due to sudden large increases in meter readings.
Customize a remote readable metering package in our store
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Free cloud data service
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EKM Push3 data system
The EKM Push3 gateway handles all meter communication into our cloud database. Your data is then freely and securely available from a known, fixed location in the cloud, by way of your unique access key.
Open API
EKM Push3 data system
The EKM Push3 gateway handles all meter communication into our cloud database. Your data is then freely and securely available from a known, fixed location in the cloud, by way of your unique access key.
Free cloud data service
electricity icon water icon gas icon
Open API
Automated Water Billing
Easily generate bills with data from individual water meters or groups of meters. Our free data management platform and billing software lets you set consumption units, fees, credits, date ranges and more.
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Let's start a conversation about your water metering needs today!
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