Industrial Metering

Customizable, scalable, and cost-effective metering solutions for industrial applications

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Monitor all of your industrial processes and assets in Real-Time
“You cannot manage what you do not measure” rings true for any resource management strategy. EKM Submeters can enable both site-wide load monitoring as well as real-time individual equipment monitoring.
EKM provides a selection of accurate and reliable electric meters ranging from basic kWh meters to our Omnimeter smart meter series. EKM universal smart meters can meter any electrical system that is commonly in use in the world as well as collect pulse data from water and gas meters. Our v4 models have the ability to control 2 external relays. EKM meters monitor over 40 data points to help you get the information you need to keep your production lines running efficiently.
EKM offers accurate industrial grade, stainless steel water meters in both cold water and hot water versions. Our high definition models are designed to generate pulses at a high rate to provide significant data granularity, which can offer detailed insights into usage patterns and help identify leaks.
Use EKM Pulse-output gas meters to monitor the flow of any non-corrosive gas in your process. Read gas flow rates and consumption amounts at the meter or remotely over the internet.
Optimize Your Factory Using EKM Meter Data
Flag system performance issues and fix them before they impact production. Find and correct power quality issues. Monitor trends to identify the efficiency projects with the biggest payback.
Build an efficient and cost-effective industrial metering system with EKM
Accurately allocate costs, perform Energy Audits with ease, establish and certify code compliance, apply for and justify tax, LEED or State energy credits.  Low hardware costs, and free data, allow you to recoup your investment in as little as a few months.
Free cloud data with our EKM Push3 data service. No recurring fees!
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High Data Granularity and Visibility
With the EKM Push system, all meters are read every minute and the reads are available online in real-time. Visualize the data in dashboards and reports.
Free cloud data service
electricity icon water icon gas icon
EKM Push3 data system
The EKM Push3 gateway handles all meter communication into our cloud database. Your data is then freely and securely available from a known, fixed location in the cloud, by way of your unique access key.
Open API
EKM Push3 data system
The EKM Push3 gateway handles all meter communication into our cloud database. Your data is then freely and securely available from a known, fixed location in the cloud, by way of your unique access key.
Free cloud data service
electricity icon water icon gas icon
Open API
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